Monday, March 15, 2010

Advantage, Tension

Ok, that headline really sucks. But c'mon, it's tennis. I guess I don't care enough about tennis to come up with a really witty headline.

But if you haven't seen it already, take 5 minutes and watch this charity match where things get a little chippy between Sampras and Agassi. Apparently Agassi makes fun of Sampras for being cheap in his book or something, and Sampras was not pleased.

Sending the serve at Agassi was a nice move, but I would have just made fun of the clip-on hair. That joke would never, ever get old.

1 comment:

Campbell said...

As one of 8 people in their 30s who actually watched tennis religiously during Sampras and Agassi's eras, it was mildly uncomfortable watching this. I think Agassi is quickly turning into Kramer during the Anytown USA episode.