Sunday, June 22, 2008


I couldn't come up with a name for this post, so I went with the acronym. It's for Go Skateboarding Day, which was this past Saturday, June 21. I happened to be in NYC (another acronym, look out) for the weekend to watch the Reds pummel the crappy Yankees, so it worked out good to hit up the Brooklyn Banks on GSD. ASAP. PDQ.

Ok, enough acronym jokes. They'd probably be better if they were funny.

Anyway, so we hit up the Banks on Saturday morning, and it was insane. A cop that was walking around there told us there were 3,000 people there, and I believe it. Every section of that place was covered with people skating, lurking, gawking, shooting photos, whatever. Pros were on hand and just killing everything in sight, and all kinds of sick skating was the order of the day. It was a great thing to see, even if it was rough trying to push with so many people around.

I was basically the anti-crowd guy, and did my best to find the little corners that weren't being skated to toss out whatever I could on the massive bank. Another day out there, and the chance to do more than 1 run every 2 minutes, and I think I'd have a better day of skating, but I didn't even care. It was just cool to skate a legendary spot.

Like most of NYC (and the East Coast for that matter), there's a strong aroma of urine in pretty much every corner of the Banks, which fit in with Dbag's newly-named 10 Foot Rule, which basically said that every 10 feet in NYC something smelled like crap. I'm guessing that's not gonna be on the NYC tourism posters any time soon.

I barely noticed, but maybe that's b/c pretty much every skate spot in the world smells like pee.

Big props go out to Rick for showing us around the city and letting me crash on his floor. And even bigger props for his record-setting Cone Toss on Sunday morning. Well done. We'll look for you in Beijing, and those cabbies deserved it.

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