Thursday, April 29, 2010

ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod

Never once, while playing Super Mario Bros., did I ever think, "What would happen if the guy (girl) from Metroid took over, with all of her kickass Metroid powers?" It's a good thing I never dared to entertain this kind of thinking, because I don't think my brain could have handled the idea. It would have been too much.

And now it's happened. Seriously, I should just quit my job now. I don't know how I'm ever going to stop playing this game. Finding out about shit like this at midnight should be illegal. No wonder I have sleeping problems.

On a side note, did anyone know the guy from Contra's name was Bill? Isn't that kinda disappointing? He should have been named Snake or Hacksaw or something.

That sound you just heard? It was my head exploding. Thank you again for the internet, Al Gore.


A, E, e, a said...

wow. That is actually pretty cool. Sorry if your head exploded. But is that the little hobbit from Zelda in the bottom left corner? That rocks, too!

J, P said...

His name is Link. I'm a bit disappointing you didn't know that.

Campbell said...

Would have been great if they modded the game so you could use the light gun from Duck Hunt.