Wednesday, April 28, 2010

In Hole

It's not hard to see why this cracked me up (b/c it has 'hole' in it, which is kinda like 'butts' except it's dirtier. pun intended), so I saved it to post the next time I, um, blogged. I hate that word as a verb. It's not as bad as tweeted, but it still kinda sucks.

Anyway, I'm a dork and listen to baseball on internet radio sometimes. Since there's nothing to see (a major drawback that radio struggles with), puts little graphics and stats and stuff up there. Including who is coming up next.

The picture of Dan Uggla with the 'In Hole' tag was a nice fit. He looks pretty 'yeah bro' about being In Hole, and who can blame him?


annieb said...

Golf still wins the dirtiest terminology prize.

KM said...

Examples, please.

A, E, e, a said...

Although my mind clearly isn't too similar to yours, I remember giggling to myself when, as a high school track coach, I would be yelling (at High Jump/Long Jump pit) "So and so 'Up/On Deck/In the Hole"...I JUST KNEW all those kids were laughing and I was trying to be all adult. =)

Campbell said...

Man, golf just about wins any prize when it comes to terminology that makes you cringe because it's dirty sounding. All sports halls balls, but it's all in the creepiness of "striking balls" "firm grips" "shaft flex" and more that clearly wins the prize to me. Plus, you got nothing but creepy old white guys talking about it and dudes playing the game in white pants.

KM said...

Golf is pretty dirty. For a single sports-related term, I'm not sure anything beats the shuttlecock.