Saturday, March 27, 2010

Shower Coffee

Some mornings, when I decide it's warranted, I reward myself with a truly special gift: Shower Coffee.

I figured that the shower is pretty kickass, and coffee also kicks ass. Instead of forcing myself to enjoy these pleasures individually, I decided to try combining them. It is glorious. It also lets me multi-task while not really doing anything. That's a daily goal.

The only required materials are fresh coffee, a cup (preferably plastic, for safety's sake), and a shelf that's above the Water Zone in your shower.

The great thing is that it's not limited to coffee. Tea and beer are also acceptable shower drinks, in the right circumstances. I haven't figured out the full list of rules yet.


annieb said...

Don't forget, another beautiful thing about shower coffee is that you can pour lukewarm leftover beverage right down the shower drain.

Paul said...

You're only a disposal away from full on Kramer.

jsc said...

duuude. that is brilliant! EFFIN BRILLIANT!

A, E, e, a said...

Just fyi...I tried shower coffee this morning and it was revolutionary...

KM said...

Yes! It's catching on!