Friday, March 26, 2010

Innards Be Damned

Went out to dinner with my ladyfriend earlier this week, and we checked out a Mexican restaurant known for their tacos. I love tacos, so I knew this was going to be a good time.

Looking through the taco menu, there were some promising options...goat meat? Check. Baby pig? Hell yes. Shredded pork, cow tongue, seared fish, all in taco form. Solid taco options (except for the fish, which is f'n GROSS). But then I saw it, at the bottom of the menu:

Chapulines. Aka, Fried Grasshoppers. Sounds nasty, right? I ordered that shit and dove right in.

It was indeed pretty nasty. But I still ate (most of) it. Helped down with plenty of beer and water. Somehow my innards survived. Maybe they're getting stronger, like Rocky during a workout montage.


annieb said...

Your ladyfriend ate a fish taco, because fish f'n RULES.

And here's a better shot of what you ate:


KM said...

fish tacos are an abomination. i'd rather eat grasshoppers.

ok, that's a lie. but fish is gross.