Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Setup

In honor of the spring solstice (not really), I'm sporting a whole new's the spring line:

shoes: Adidas
deck: Chocoloate/7.81
trucks: Thunder Hollows (hollow axles & kingpins, like bird bones)
bearings: Bones Swiss, bitches
wheels: Convoy/54mm

Breaking in the new trucks is always a bitch, but at least I got it outta the way today, and put a few marks on the board so I don't feel like Special Agent Utah at the next spot.


A, E, e, a said...

I'm not sure how the video really applied to the post, but who doesn't love that movie? really? Even if only in secret...

KM said...

Well, b/c the first time that Special Agent Utah tried to surf, he had a doo-doo surfboard and everyone knew he was a wannabe if I say I have real gear, I'm no Special Agent Utah.
