Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fried Green Beans

I know there are actual rankings given by people with important jobs, but I'm not sure anyone can convince me that Hammond, IN isn't the fattest city in the U.S.

After spending a few hours gambling (poorly) in this Midwestern gem's Horseshoe Casino, I can safely say it's gotta be setting records for most types of fried foods available, consumed, and expunged in a single building. Just an unbelievable display of fat people eating the shit out of fat foods, and looking really fat while doing it.

I'm sure this makes me sound like I'm too fancy and smart to tolerate morbid obesity or something, but keep in mind that I've posted on such high-brow topics as poop (multiple times), and Captain Lou. I'm not looking down my nose at anyone.

All casinos are kinda seedy and a little dirty, but Hammond is my vote for leader in overall dirtball vibe, by far. You could smell grease coming off of pretty much every surface in there, and stumbling through the slot machine area was like a casting call for People Waiting To Die. Everyone was smoking as many cigarettes as possible, most while eating fried food with cheese.

There's going to be more on this weekend later, and even though I didn't take any pictures, I'll do my best to describe important facts, such as the scent that is baked into my clothes (bacon and ashtrays) and paint as vivid a portrait as I can. It was that incredible.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

you left out the mobile oxygen tanks that everyone seemed to have... along with their cigs.

and don't forget the walking devices, i.e. rascal, cane, walker, etc. not because they couldn't walk, but because they were too fat to hold themselves up without assistance.

can't wait to see the next entry! :) gall has some pics on his camera... i'll send them along to you tonight. thanks again for coming!!