Monday, January 11, 2010

End of Days

I've written about my plans for the post-apocalyptic world in the past, but now I realize I've only been thinking about the fighting parts. I kinda forgot about just basic survival. Luckily, the History Channel was running Armageddon Week recently, and it gave me some valuable knowledge.

Without this type of Grade-A programming, I'd have been running up the main streets (probably either blocked by gangs or clogged with abandoned vehicles), starting fires in the open (the light will attract too much attention) and trying to forage for supplies at the hospital (too obvious and overcrowded). As a result, I likely would have been gone long before the Mad Max-style fighting began, and that'd be a shame.

So now I'm rethinking my whole approach and trying to figure out if I'd stay put and build a little fortress in the Lurker Pad (complete with secondary escape routes and defense measures, obviously), or make a run for the suburbs or even the countryside, where people would be less dense. Then I could start my rebuilding project, which of course would have to begin with me as either the Savior or some other deity-type figure.


Paul said...

As the show points out, you need to start making plans now to eliminate your second floor neighbors and take over their dwellings. Ground floor is unsafe.

annieb said...

You should also start hoarding bottles of water, or you'll have to talk to Bear Grylls about alternative hydration methods.

A, E, e, a said...

Check out the Discovery Channel project, The Colony I think it was called. They took a bunch people and put them an abandoned warehouse and said survive kids. They had some smart dudes that came up with some crazy stuff. It was on last year I think so you may have to look for it. A

Campbell said...

Kelly has already assured me that I won't be killed by him because he needs my superior map-reading skills and my ability to keep my head on a swivel.