Friday, August 28, 2009

Politics of Fear

Since the election ended I've been pretty quiet about political-related stuff, much to everyone's relief, I'm sure. Well, that shit is over.

I try and watch both sides of news coverage, which means that I pretty much have to watch Fox News sometimes (fair and balanced MY ASS, btw) to get the full GOP slant on stuff. Even without their compulsion to quote/follow Rush Limbaugh like he's Gandhi, the GOP tactics and tone on health care reform is pretty scary and really sad.

First, I can't really see why the GOP is so freaked out about fixing health care. It's not like they're the only party who is going to lose special-interest money from insurance companies; I'm pretty sure the Dems have been milking that shit for years, also.

And I don't want to hear that 'smaller government' or 'get government outta my life' blather from GOPers...this is the party that built the Homeland Security Dept and passed the Patriot Act and Domestic Surveillance laws. Nuff said.

But this story from NPR is just the latest in a long line of shameless scare tactics by the GOP to stop all debate on health care. Now they're mailing out literature that tells people the Dems will block Republicans from health care if this bill—or any bill—is passed. Besides being unconstitutional and illegal, does anybody really believe this crap? Unfortunately, due to bullshit TV 'news' like Fox News, some people do believe this, because that's all they watch.

Do yourself a favor: follow more than one news source, don't believe something because you got it in an email with purple script type, and stop watching Fox News.

Oh, and Limbaugh? In between vicodin and viagra binges, he's trying to make himself richer. He does that through ratings. I'm just saying, there's a pretty good chance he's just making shit up that might attract sad, clueless viewers who don't have the common sense to look up his 'facts' for themselves. Don't fall for it.

1 comment:

A, E, e, a said...

"Inartfully worded" I would say so. As a conservative, I hang my head and ask what has happened to our system? This is not the way to fix it. Here is a link to the full survey. The Washington Independent has the full survey.