Thursday, October 16, 2008

Home Cookin

I think I hit rock bottom a few weeks ago from an intestinal perspective, and figured it was about time to make some changes to my diet. I'm still pretty normal-sized (not high school skinny), no gut or double chin yet, but I really don't want to eat crappy food as much, even if it's not making me a total pile.

Also, I really don't want to wake up and hurk up dinner more than once or twice a year. I'm not a dog.

But really, I just want to eat better. I notice how I feel better, have more energy, etc., when I eat better food. The only problems here are that I'm lazy and that I don't like to cook. Oh, and I like hamburgers and wings and Sour Patch Kids.

Anyhow, dinner tonight (pictured above) was solid, with some stir-fry green things over rice (props to Erica and Adam for the marinade tips). Bonus points because I had asparagus, and we all know what that means.

If anyone's got any cooking ideas for me, send 'em on. Keep these things in mind, tho:

1. I'm kinda lazy, but willing to cook basic and moderately hard recipes.
2. I have basic cooking gear, but no fancy stuff like woks or crock pots or decanters.
3. I probably won't be cooking any seafood.

My innards appreciate the efforts.

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