Friday, October 17, 2008

It's About Time

I've been waiting for one of the right-wing assface groups to stop being so quietly racist, and just go for it. I mean, don't they realize that they could actually have a black guy as president? Holy Shit! And he's a muslim! He hates white people! He was born in Kenya!

Well, now there's visible proof the wait is over. Check out the 'Obama Bucks' issued by the Chaffey Community Republican Women, a California-based conservative group led by some biyatch named Diane Fedele. (note: they need to hire a web designer; their site truly sucks ass)

This ignorant jackass is trying to claim that she had 'no idea' that an image of a black guy with fried chicken and watermelon would be considered offensive or racist. Seriously? Is that the dumbest argument of ignorance so far in this election? I say yes.

It would be sweet if we could just have the best candidate win, without having to appeal to the fear and hate-filled rhetoric that's become the norm for presidential politics. Everyone knows Obama's black, and that McCain's old. Instead of pushing division, just let the issues be what drives your decision.

Don't get your information on these issues from stupid emails that your friend's cousin's grandma faxed her from a kinko's. Go to the candidate's web sites, read respected news organizations, and form your own opinions. At the very least, stay away from Fox News.

And if you really hate and fear black people that much, I'd suggest moving out of America. There's a lot of different people here, and if you want to be a true American, get used to it and quit hating on everyone that doesn't look like Joe the fargin Plumber.

If this kind of garbage pisses you off, go ahead and let these dipshits know how you feel. You can email Diane and her racist friends here:

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