Thursday, July 31, 2008

Stinky Pee

I don't know how many of you know this, but for some people, eating asparagus makes you have stinky pee. I knew this, but since it had been about 6 years since I had any asparagus, the first time I got the stinky pee I thought something was wrong with my piping.

After a quick interweb search, I realized that not only was this normal, but it's also a recessive trait. That means since my pee was stinky, I'm special. And not in an "I ride the short bus" kind of special. More like an X-men style of special.

One thing not so special about the stinky pee, tho: peeing in a public bathroom. Then everyone can smell it, and now my co-workers probably think I have cancer.

And check it out...I'm not the only person who blogs about bodily functions. Over in Korea, fellow blogger JSC is having her own, um, internal difficulties.

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