Monday, June 7, 2010

Not to be outdone...

...Cincinnati had to prove it could suck just as badly as Kentucky, and went ahead and painted over a kickass mural.

I know it was the owner's property, so they can change their mind and paint over it blah blah blah. I don't really care. All I know is that whatever was on that wall was suckier than the kickass mural. Plus, I'm guessing Madisonville's Spectrum Nightclub wasn't exactly the must-see spot in town.

I know this news is a few weeks old, but I'm not exactly Mr. Current Events. I don't know much about the new iPhone either. Because iPhones are stupid.


A, E, e, a said...

I've been dying to see a DR blog...I KNOW you've got good stuff from that trip, right!?!

Campbell said...

See, Cincinnati have to imitate Kentucky in order to feel cool. Shame, Kelly, shame.