Saturday, July 25, 2009

It's a Celebration, Bitches

I spent last weekend in Charleston, SC, for a college friends' wedding, and it was a grand ole time indeed.

Renting a house for 9 college friends (couples and singles, no kids) seemed like a great idea, and except for the problems of sleeping through the loudest damn snoring I've ever heard (seriously, you guys need surgery), it ruled. Aided by Hoopster's fashion tips, some crazy iced-tea flavored vodka and spray-on suntan lotion (that shit does NOT work), I learned quite a bit.

I learned that somehow all the girls I went to college with have gotten hotter in the last 10 years, despite the passage of time, having kids and putting up with the dirtball guys they married/dated (no comment on their hotness). So yeah, well done, ladies-thanks for rubbing the single guys' noses in it.

I also learned that some people besides me think words like moist are gross. Oh, man that word sucks.

And finally, I learned that a 6-7 monster guy can do the backwards caterpillar on the reception dance floor. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen, and it pretty much brought the house down.


A, E, e, a said...

Good work. Nice effect on the picture. I'll get our blog up about your visit to us when Adam brings the camera w/ pics on it back from Florida...oops.

jsc said...

what can i say, women age better. ha ha! lucky us! that, and, that tall ass caterpillar'in mofo--that's bitchin!