Monday, June 8, 2009

Why I Don't Eat at Quizno's

I'm sure you've seen the Quizno's commercials on TV with the Hal-9000 oven, and you've probably seen the creepy-ass version (online only, I'm pretty sure) where Scott and the oven talk about their lovemaking. But just in case you haven't, watch this and tell me this doesn't influence your sandwich-purchasing decisions.

I worked at a pizza place in high school, and I've pretty much come to terms with the nastiness we did to food. I can accept that my food might have fallen on the floor, or there may be sardines cooked under the sauce or something. But a world where someone's humping the oven is a bad place.

1 comment:

H. said...

That's disgusting! Hmmm although it is about the same amount of disgusting as gooey lukewarm lettuce stuck to cheap bread and covered in mushrooms no one wanted.