Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inauguration Day

So I caught a little bit of Obama Fever over the weekend and me and Dboy decided we had to head down and check out the crowd on Tuesday.

Even though there were stories of people waiting in security lines at 5 am (not happening), we decided to go out drinking on Monday night and roll down to The Mall around 11:30.

It worked. Since there was no way we were getting anywhere near the security zone (100 square blocks or something ridiculous), we followed the crowd and got down near the WWII Memorial, about halfway between the Lincoln Memorial and the back of the Washington Monument. We had a great view of the jumbotrons and the speaker system pumped Obama and Roberts mauling the Oath of Office perfectly.

It was unreal how many people were down there, even though it was cold as hell and we were getting shuttled around like cattle through all the blocked streets and tons of cops.

One word of advice to anybody with young kids: Don't take them to shit like this. Seriously. It was crazy seeing how many parents thought it was good idea to make 3-year-olds walk 4 miles in 15-degree weather without a bathroom in sight. I hate to break it to them, but no way in hell those kids a) remember this for more than 20 minutes or b) actually care about seeing history. They'd rather see Dora or Sesame Street or whatever.

I bet kids don't even watch Sesame Street anymore. Punks.

Anyway, it was great to get down there with people and see this historic day. I would have been pumped to have anybody besides W in there, and it's almost too much to believe with Obama. First black president, and people in DC were charged. I'm sure they'll be bitching about him in all corners soon, but for now I'm just glad to think we're making progress and actually using votes to elect smart leaders, not just the feller who we'd like to have a beer with.

And seeing the crowd boo Bush and Cheney was a sweet bonus. Those guys suck. I hope that after drinking all that coffee someone pees on them.

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