Thursday, July 10, 2008


Living in DC, and having no car (the environment thanks me and hates you SUV-driving, earth-hating knuckle-draggers) means I'm either walking or skating pretty much everywhere. Sometimes that's just a walk or skate to the train or to catch a bus, but whatever. It means I'm outside, and that means being around people.

I don't get twitchy around people; I like being around people. That's why I choose to live in an urban area and not in a wooden shack in the Montana wilderness.

But there are a lot of sucky people walking around. People who yell are not a big favorite. People blabbering away on the cell phone nonstop (usually while yelling) also get the gas face from me. So I wear headphones to blot out all these assbags.

Problem is, I hate how the cord from the headphones on my iPod is always swinging around. It gets in the way of everything and looks kinda stupid. So, to combat this problem, I thread the headphones up through my shirt and out the neckhole leading right to my ears. Problem solved.

Well, not fully solved. Since sometimes I want to talk to the non-assbag people around, the headphones eventually have to come off. I hate having them off for long, tho, b/c then they dangle around my neck, swinging lower and lower like a tiny set of balls.

And now, thanks to JbizzAnks, this phenomenon has a name.

They are The Chesticles.

Now that they have a proper title, I'll feel a little less shame when I show them to the world next.


A, E, e, a said...

Ok, so what else is on that shirt in the picture? It's bugging me? Who is the "her"? or do I not want to know...?!? Love, your sister

Jason said...

Chesticles - I like it.