Wednesday, February 15, 2012


It's been 2 months or so since I've updated the ol' blog, mainly because I got an iPhone (see previous post) and now just use Instagram to send out random images with a few words attached. I believe the kids call it microblogging.

I think I like sending out random pictures to the world one at a time instead of 2 paragraphs of my ramblings per serving.

That doesn't mean that won't still be rambling. Oh, I'll ramble.

If you've got an iPhone I suggest you check out Instagram; I'm on there as kmart202, and most of my photos so far are of skateboards and skateboard-related activities, food (usually cooked by annieB), Obama on my caller ID, things I like to look at, and of course shower beer:


A, E, e, a said...

didn't you have a serious fear of clowns as a kid?! or was that Paul... either way, that's a creepy smile on the beer bottle. I had shower coffee the other day and it was lovely.

J, P said...

Not Paul. I fear nothing. Except Marlo.

KM said...

Yeah, not me either. I thought it was Paul too.

Oh man...Marlo...