Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ninja Attack

Apparently the guy who thinks he's a ninja (previous post, just scroll down to it) is coming to DC next week. I want to go, but I'm terrified. What kind of crowd is going to be at this show?

Who am I kidding? It'll be a bunch of hipsters wearing thick-framed glasses and ironically-colored shoes. They'll likely be there to make fun of this guy, what with his odd band and Hammer Pants. So I guess I'll fit right in.

For the record, the thick frames just make more sense for added protection from the elements and overall eyeglass support. Just so we're clear.

1 comment:

annieb said...

I believe you are the design geek. Please note the thick-framed glasses, ironically-colored pants and Helvetica (not neue) shirt. :-)