Sunday, February 28, 2010

Zombies! No Vomit! Bacon!

Saw The Crazies this weekend, and if you like some zombie-related violence, blood and Orwellian paranoia, check it out.

I also ate some incredible steak and bacon, tacos, fried green tomatoes, deviled eggs and fried chicken. I skated outside without dodging (much) snow for the first time in 2 months. I saw my favorite stand-up comic (well done, Campbell) and there was no human, feline or unclassified vomit to be seen anywhere.

Haven't had a weekend that good in a long time. I'm already giving Monday two middle fingers because it's gonna suck in comparison.

1 comment:

annieb said...

Zombies, no vomit and bacon is a pretty amazing combination. Can it compete for best. combo. ever?