Monday, February 15, 2010

Why Helping Sucks

I watched more than a few of my neighbors try and half-ass dig out the alley behind our building after last week's blizzard, and even though it's usually funny to watch other people struggle, I figured I could do the neighborly thing and help out.

After 3 hours of shoveling some heavy, ice-filled snow, we dug out the alley well enough that people could drive out, dump trucks could get in, etc. I got a hearty thank-you from the neighbors and somebody in the building even brought out brownies for us while we were working. I felt like #1 Neighbor Helper Guy, and slept well that night.

I've pretty much been crippled ever since. My back, shoulders, legs, etc., haven't been this sore in a long, long time. I basically have to stand up in stages when I get out of bed b/c I can't stand up straight right away.

The lesson, as always, is that helping sucks. Next time those punks can wait for the snow to melt, like Mother Nature intended.


annieb said...

I just wanted to double check, this shoveling was done with a shovel and not a dustpan, right?

tem said...

now that is funny!!