Saturday, November 8, 2008


I was running out of time to use some vacation days, so I took the last week off to do pretty much nothing. I skated some, went and looked at some art, broke in the new Guitar Hero (kinda disappointing, btw, although I didn't have the full band together), and went out for drinks a few times. Not exactly earth-shattering stuff, but pretty relaxing and way, way better than work.

For the most part, I went to bed and got up at about the same time as usual (give or take an hour), and was pretty busy most days. I'm sure I moved around and did more physical action than I would during a normal work day, but each day I felt way better at the end of the day than I normally would. It led me to the not-so-surprising conclusion that work sucks the life out of us.

I guess that I always knew this, but it was just hammered home each day when I saw people schlepping home looking like they just got out of boot camp, and I realized I felt pretty good and even had some energy left for the evening.

At the end of most work days, I'm tired as hell by the time I get home. I'm sure most of that is mental exhaustion, but still, it sucks. So maybe the answer is to take a week off to do nothing every few months. I guess that's not really feasible, so maybe I'll just try to be less productive at work when I go back.

There we go. Until the US decides to get down with the whole siesta thing, I'm just going to do less at work.

Problem solved.

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